Under Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) or Georgia Optional Retirement Program (ORP)

  • Completed 30 years of creditable service, regardless of age, of which the last 5 years of employment must have been continuous with the USG; or
  • Has completed 10 years of creditable service, and is age 60 or older; or
  • Has completed 25 years of creditable service, regardless of age , of which the last 5 years of employment must have been continuous with the USG.
  • Is deemed totally and permanently disabled as documented through the receipt of disability benefits from SSA following 9.5 years of creditable service to the USG in a regular, benefitted position.
  • Attend events offered by 在线博彩’s Human Resources team such as retirement seminars where valuable information is distributed and the retirement and pre-retirement experiences of faculty and staff are shared.
  • Request your Personal Earning and Benefit Estimate Statement from Social Security. Call 1-800-772-1213 or access ssa.gov.
  • Contact 在线博彩’s ARFS (Association of Retired Faculty and Staff) to develop a network of peers who are willing to discuss their experiences with choices they made in retirement planning.
  • Begin to think about post-retirement use of time, second careers, part-time work, and long-term commitments other than work – such as family, friends, community, health, and fitness.
  • Review your retirement plan asset allocations, long or short term goals, and distribution options.
  • Attend annual retirement seminars and workshops offered by Human Resources.
  • Begin building a network or person who are also retiring or already retired.
  • Review your retirement plan allocations and distribution options to ensure you are remaining on track.
  • Review your insurance coverage to see what is portable and what will end at retirement.
  • Schedule an appointment with your benefit’s specialist to review your benefits coverage available through 在线博彩 at retirement. Find out when you can make changes, add/delete dependents, or make payments.
  • Take time to review health care and projected costs for medications. Talk with family members and friends.
  • Decide if you need to change plans during open enrollment period.
  • Attend any seminars related to benefits and retirement offered through Human Resources.
  • Locate your birth certificate, SS#, and marriage certificate (or divorce decree) and most recent W-2 to present when you apply for Medicare and/or Social Security.
  • Inform department head or dean of intended retirement date. Finalize plan.
  • Don’t forget to attend any retirement seminars offered!
  • Finalize decisions on insurance coverages.
  • Finalize your retirement plan distributions.
  • Request any needed forms from TIAA-CREF, Fidelity, or Valic.
  • Apply for Social Security 3 months before you want benefits to start.
  • Request information on Medicare Parts A and B three months before age 65.
  • Schedule an appointment with your benefits specialist to complete paperwork to continue healthcare and other insurance coverages.
  • Complete required TRS application and paperwork (if applicable)